(just to let you know, with is the Niwa family pet and can transform into Dark's wings. Dark and Daisuke share the same body and transform back and forth. Krad is Dark's arch enemy.)
Ooh, that's soo cool!^ it's Satoshi sprouting wings as he transforms.
And now for my character summaries in less than seven letters:
Dark: H-O-T
Daisuke: S-W-E-E-T
Satoshi: C-U-T-E
Krad: E-V-I-L
Daisuke's grandpa: O-L-D
With: F-L-U-F-F-Y
There you have it: my totally descriptive character summaries!^-^
yyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuu rok
No, you rock! lol!
I've never met anyone that I have so much in common with! Tell me, do you like Evanescence or ghost stories? And spaghetti, what do you think of spaghetti????
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