from the cover of book4!
ummm, okay. this is actualy... really bad! (the "constructive critisism" is going to be flying at me like bullets!)
okay. the hair is weird (not enough head?), and the eyes are just plain messed up!
...it just doesn't look like him!!!
actualy, i think i may know how to fix his hair. that piece on the left? it looks off...
...speaking of red hair, i just dyed my hair again. red. with that stuff i got at Hot Topic forever ago. it's semi-permanent (washed totaly out in about a month to 6 weeks). Red! Red! it looks like it did before (slighty slightly red) in dimmer light, but in a bright florescent light... RED!!!
Well, the constructive critisizm is coming, but you'll have to wait until we're fully awake and thinking clearly. Right now it's time for...*yawn*...bed.
The hair needs to be more poofy, it's a little too close to the head in the upper left. The ear needs to be bigger, the right cheek is too straight, the mouth should be a little farther down, the hair on the right should be alittle longer.
Okay, I'm done.
yeah, last night i started drawing his body, and i realized that the ear is too short and the hair isn't long enough. : ) wow his mouth is high up! lol that 'splains the funny look he's giving. yeah, his hair is too close to his head. major revisions!!!
Okay, good luck w/ those!^-^ Lemme see it when Ur done!^-^ L8R!
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