yay, i finished him! constructive critism! those 3 feather-like things behind him... well i was going to draw wings, but i couldn't get them to turn out right... but i just couldn't erase those feathers! they look too kewl! :D i know i saw a pic with feather-like things like those once before...
and this is the pic that inspired me to draw that top pic. squee! hott daisuke!!! (srry bout it being sideways)
Kay, in case you managed not to notice, i'm having a HUGE DNAngel obsession!!! (i can't belive that the first time i read it i thought it was stupid...)
oh, and here's where u can read it online:
okay, one other things... you see that thing going 'round Krad and Dark? with the cross? it is NOT Krad's hair!!!!!! someone please back me up! Hersheys and Nudge-NOT-Nudge..::..Twin are saying that it's his hair... but Angel said that it isn't. Krad's hair is long, but it's not THAT long! and that looks like a silky-type thing...
oh, wow, i just realzed something... okay, i didn't realize it,... well, kinda. on Yahoo! Answers someone said "if you want to read the manga of Daisuke Niwa Angel..." Daisuke Niwa Angel! DN Angel!!! is that just a coinidence? cuz isnt it DNAngel cuz Dark is in the Niwa's genes? guess that's why people write it DN Angel, though, instead of DNAngel...