hehe Momiji's so funny and kawaii!
so far i don't like Akito. well, i've only seen him in that part where he got really really mad and make Hatori go half-blind and was super super mean to Hatori's girlfriend... he comes back right? i wanna kno more bout him! he looks a lot like Yuki.
poor Yuki :(
ehhh, who is he spinning around???
Haveing some issue, Ichigo? lol.
i haven't gotten to this episode, yet. or have i? maybe i have. yeah, i have! he did it to teach her to never feel bad for him. i dont want to spoil anything. but some of u kno what happens whan Ichigo gets kissed. ; ) the rest of u probaly just think Ryou is crazy, kissing her to teach her a lesson! lol.
lol i guess that was a little more that "some." okay, a LOT more. lol.
Ummm...Courtney? Akito is a girl. My friend who owns them all told me.
Akito's a girl!!! what?! hmmm... well, someone did post on a comment on one of the episodes that Akito's a girl in the manga, but i figured that the person was mislead or something, cuz Hatori kept saying "he" not "she"... well i guess that would explain why Akito got so mad when Hatori wanted to marry that one girl... and i guess that would explain why Yuki looks so much like her... Yuki has a very girly face lol. :) what book does it say that Akito's a girl?
Kisshu is cool looking, what anime is he from? His eyes are like Inuyasha's!
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